DC Super Hero Girls Wikia
[theme song playing]
♪ When super me
Becomes super we ♪
♪ Suddenly, magically
Pretty automatically ♪
♪ Crushing it side by side ♪
♪ Look out, world
We're Super Hero Girls ♪
♪ Now that we're together
Gonna get that super life! ♪
♪ Wow! ♪
[Antiope] Surrender now, Diana!
You are no match for the mighty Cyclops!
You are wrong.
I will be a legendary slayer of monsters one day, just like my awesome
Aunt Antiope!
This Antiope.
She sounds most impressive.
Zounds! I am outmatched!
-I'm sorry, Mother.
We were just--
-Just what?
You have two more years of training before you are allowed to use a sword!
You know that!
Calm yourself, Hippolyta.
The girl has been working hard.
[Hippolyta] As your sister,
I have asked you many times not to interfere with my daughter's studies.
Now, as your queen,
I command it.
As you wish, my queen.
And you.
If you are so desperate to hold a weapon, you may do so while polishing them.
All of them.
Psst, Diana.
Want to go see a real cyclops?
I have excellent news, everyone!
The school's been crushed by a giant monster and we don't have to take finals?
My beloved Aunt Antiope is coming to visit Metropolis!
Antiope is the fiercest of warriors.
A legendary monster hunter.
When the vicious three-headed hound
Cerberus escaped, it was she who sent the beast back to the death-realm Hades!
She is also super, duper fun!
M'kay, that's great and all, but we've got a lot of cramming to do before tomorrow.
-[motorcycle engine revving]
-[gasps] It is she!
[rock music playing]
Little Diana! There you are.
Has it really been that long?
Over 100 years.
Aunt Antiope, these are my friends.
[Antiope] Then they are my friends as well!
So, friends, what shall be our evening's entertainment?
You're looking at it.
We're stuck studying for finals.
Studying? You live in a world of motorcycles, men, action movies, pizza, men, and even more men, and yet you choose to read books?
If you do not give your minds a rest, they will be exhausted when you need them.
That does kinda make sense.
I've been reading comic books for the past hour anyway.
[dance music playing]
Study break!
That was so fun!
Aw, I can't believe we have to go back to studying.
Sisters! A warrior's mind cannot function properly if her body is depleted.
I could eat something.
Bring us hot wings, peasant boy!
Ooh, you know, could I just have a side salad?
There shall be no leaves on my supper table!
Hot wings, now!
The World of Man's greatest delight must certainly be breading.
Ah... Ah...
[all] Yeah!
[all] Antiope! Antiope!
Antiope! Yeah!
That was amazing.
Right? I'm full!
I never get full!
Hold on, what about the check?
-Did my aunt not pay?
[Zatanna] Diana, hurry up!
Antiope says she can get us into the pool hall!
Pool hall? But I thought we were going back to study.
[man grunting]
[all cheering]
[all exclaiming and cheering]
[chuckles] Yes, a wondrous victory, let us now return to our studies.
I don't lose to girls.
Oh, then you're gonna hate this next part.
-[men grunting and groaning]
[Antiope] Haha!
That was fun!
An exhilarating way to end our evening.
Now, let us be off.
Finals begin in seven hours.
-[all exclaim]
-That's right, finals.
Ugh, way to bring down the mood, D.
No, Diana is correct.
The time has come for our night to end after one final thing.
Something to help us unwind!
I do not feel unwound.
Why? We are simply playing a pleasant game of cards with some nice, upstanding citizens.
I think they're bluffing.
Everybody freeze!
We're here to arrest the Royal Flush gang!
[all gasp]
And these girls they hang out with, I guess!
-[siren wailing]
-[police radio chattering indistinctly]
Come on! Get in!
Why do we flee?
We have done nothing wrong. Wait,
Antiope, when did you get a car?
I took one of the ones they leave on the street for anybody to use.
That is not how cars work!
Hold on!
[all screaming]
What an adventure we have had!
Now, where shall we break our fast?
We do not have time for breakfast!
Thanks to you, we just spent the last of our study time running from the police!
Why are you so concerned with these meaningless tests?
I thought you enjoyed having fun with me.
Last night was not fun.
You must leave now and interfere with our studies no more.
I am disappointed, Diana.
-You sound just like your mother.
Uh, should we, like, give you two a minute?
-What was that?
-Oh, no.
Is it Friday already?
Uh, what do you mean
"Is it Friday already?"
Your mother may have sent me to the World of Man for a reason.
Reason may have been to change the lock on the kraken's underwater cage.
And I may have forgotten. [chuckles]
How can you be so irresponsible?
You are Antiope, legendary monster hunter!
You were the one who sent Cerberus back to Hades!
Yes, well... Heh...
I was also the reason he escaped in the first place.
[kraken roaring]
Come, sisters!
Let us clean up this mess.
[chuckles awkwardly]
Now, Supergirl!
Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
Magic skin, magic skin!
You cannot defeat the kraken this way!
We must journey to Greece, secure a Gorgon's head, and use it to turn the beast to stone.
There is no time for that!
Well, then, we must feed it a beautiful maiden instead.
Here, you shall all draw straws.
Find another way.
I don't know!
It's not as though
I spent my life studying krakens!
Mother, studying is so boring.
I want to be a warrior.
And you shall be. A great one.
But being a warrior means more than running around with a sword.
We study so that, no matter what the challenge, we will be ready.
Now, tell me, what are the three ways to defeat a kraken?
I know what we must do.
Oh, I love it! Greek chic!
Nearly finished.
Focus, everyone!
From eternal darkness deep below...
...let the Stygian Bloom of Hypnos grow!
Is it working?
That's it? A flower?
Not just a flower.
Kara, now!
Yes! We have done it!
Interesting use of "we."
I'm guessing this means school's canceled.
Huzzah again!
A happy ending for all!
Well, I should be going.
I can count on you to put the kraken back in the cage, right? Okay, great.
You will put the kraken back yourself.
As your princess,
I command you.
You sound just like your mother.
I know.
A little help? Oof!
[theme music playing]